Irrigation Services takes great pride in ensuring we deliver intelligent irrigation solutions; to do this we keep up with the latest training, industry standards and best practice.
We are committed to providing technically competent staff so projects are completed to the highest standard.  Irrigation Services are currently accredited by and are members of:

Farm Dairy Effluent System Design Accredited

As we are Farm Dairy Effluent System Design Accredited Irrigation Services can design and install a complete FDE management package specific to your:

  • herd size,
  • soil type,
  • consent conditions, and
  • budget.

Water Measurement Accredited

As an Accredited Irrigation New Zealand Water Measurement Service Provider and holder of the Water Measurement 'Blue Tick' accreditation Irrigation Services install, verify and provide water management services that comply with:

Massey University FDE System Design & Management

Key Irrigation Services staff have completed the Farm Dairy Effluent: System Design and Management three day Massey University short course developed in association with Fertilizer and Lime Research Centre, and Dairy NZ.  We are able to:

  • Design key components of a sustainable FDE land treatment system;
  • Develop management plans that maximise the recovery and productive recycling of nutrients;
  • Minimise negative effects of nutrient and microorganism losses on the aquatic environment. 

Health and Safety Certifications

Irrigation Services proactively work in a safe manner, continually striving to provide a healthy environment for staff, clients and the public.  Irrigation Services hold a green SiteWise prequalification.    Staff are also trained and hold the following certificates:

  • Site Safe Passport, Advanced Passport and Gold
  • First Aid Level 2 Certificate
  • Site Traffic Management Supervisor (STMS)
  • Confined Spaces
  • Hazardous Goods - Chemical Handling & Spill Management Training
  • Growsafe Approved Handlers
  • Excavator Certificates

New Zealand Milking & Pumping Trade Association

Our staff have undertaken training provided by the New Zealand Milking and Pumping Trade Association in the following:

  • Selecting the right pump
  • Farm dairy effluent hydraulic design
  • Farm dairy effluent water reticulation

Supplier Certification

Irrigation Services work closely with key suppliers, our staff have attained certification from the following suppliers:

  • Bermad Valving and Water Meter competency
  • Netafim Crop Management Technologies
  • Siemens certified
  • Krohne Flowmeters
  • Aquaspec Flowmeters