We're Committed working safely
Irrigation Services is a SiteSafe member and our health and safety capability has been assessed as SiteWise Green

Health and Safety Goals
We strive to achieve a healthy and safe working environment by:
- Complying with relevant health and safety legislative and regulatory requirements and national standards both in the context of our own actions and in the provision of services;
- Regularly communicating health and safety issues, undertaking employee consultation and encouraging employee participation;
- Accurately reporting and recording incidents;
- Incorporating health and safety into the performance evaluations of staff at all levels;
- Management support and encouragement for the early, effective and safe return to work of injured employees;
- Periodically auditing our internal H&S Management System against established standards and IS Group objectives and targets;
- Promoting that all employees are responsible for leading health and safety compliance within IS Group;
- Understanding client needs and meeting client expectations by providing solutions that when properly implemented are technically appropriate, socially responsible and in compliance with contractual requirements.
Employees at all levels of the company shall be responsible for complying with Irrigation Services policy, legislation, including the Health & Safety at Work Act 2015, health and safety standards, codes of practices and safe working procedures and are required to participate in activities to improve safety.
Principals and Project Managers are responsible for ensuring that Health & Safety planning is consistent with IS Group policies and standards, and is carried out and implemented on all projects. This includes ensuring our people are provided appropriate training, information, instructions, procedures and equipment.
Subcontractors working for IS Group are responsible for conducting their work in a manger which meets or exceeds New Zealand’s legislative and health and safety standards, and IS Group objectives and targets.